Dragging the mouse in various directions will change the direction of attack and in the heat of the moment it actually works out pretty well. Right mouse button guards with weapon or shield, left swings your weapon or fires your bow/crossbow/ throwing spear. The combat itself is more action like with the only RPG element being numbers in how much damage you do and such. You level up, buy new gear and horses, hire more men (and the amount of men you can hire grows the more famous you become), upgrade hired men to be better fighters, fight in some pretty big battles either in forests, plains or castles and towns. Eventually you may be able to join one of the various kingdoms or forge your own and help take your faction to rule the continent. You create your character and start out only able to hire a small band of soldiers (about 30 or so I believe) and hire your services as a mercenary. The game is a strange feudal age RPG, where you play a newcomer to a continent in nearly constant war.

It's a stand-alone expansion and has pretty much all the same things, but with upgraded visuals and a new faction. Anyone looking at the Mount and Blade titles I highly recomend getting the Warband expansion over the original.